04/17/2019: I don't know what I'm going to do with this site. the following updates were made today: - adding page links to home.html - the birth of this page (happy birthday!) -
06/19/2019: did a secret project in the background on here. this is like my little workshop
08/10/2019: trying to clean up this mess. started another project in the background.
09/17/2019: redid the site yesterday. big changes to the main page. haven't added a navbar yet, so no one can find this. Added fancy text to the main page. added placeholder navbar.
09/18/2019: fixing stylesheets. crying in social class hbu? edited not found page.
09/23/2019: adding pages. doing stuff
10/07/2019: considering changing the site background. writing a social essay. everytime i use one of karl marx's favourite words i feel oh so smart
01/24/2020: happy 2020! a new decade huh... anyways I'm changing a bunch of css, deleting pages. added poetry page. listening to taking back sunday.
01/25/2020: added poetry to the poetry page.... lol
01/30/2020: deleted some pages, edited the about me page, added a page to store graphics i like and display stickers and blinkies i find funny
07/22/2020: lots of major changes aesthetically, along with remaking the graphics page, deleting pages
07/23/2020: added navbars to most pages, added mutuals' site buttons, made my own site button!
07/30/2020: minor edits, worked on stardew valley page. started the music page, adding playlists :3, added cool site image
07/31/2020: fixed a few things
09/27/2020: working behind the scenes on some anime character pages, will make them available soon lol
10/05/2020: added a lot of pages, mainly in anime characters. Added some nav bars
10/20/2020: I awoke to lots of snow outside. Last night and today I worked on adding some pages about death note, which can be found on the anime/games page.
10/21/2020: Blizzard outside. 10 days till halloween. Anyways I've been adding some stuuf, adding some pages.
10/25/2020: Kaiba's birthday. Made a page "Library" Links to various reading materials
10/29/2020: I've been working on the site quite frequently lately, so I'm only gonna list major updates from this entry forward. Edited the "music zone"Please take a look.
11/02/2020: changed how this page looks and added apersonal journal lol
11/15/2020: Added pictures of my collection to the Tamagotchi Page. Added a music zone page dedicated to the Pokemon Christmas Bash album.
12/03/2020: Eventually there will probably be a huge amount of naruto content on this site, as I am a big fan of the franchise and I'd love some place to ramble about it. These will be the things that I'd love to ramble to my friends about for hours, not that they wouldn't let me, just that it hasn't come up in conversation. Anyways, you might see me working on those pages secretly on the background, before I find the time to make a proper shrine.
12/09/2020: Worked on a bunch of things and made a guestbook, which is linked on the main page.
12/21/2020: added some pages, worked on the site nav page, added cool graphics to places, having fun
01/01/2021: The first entry in this new site update log. Happy new year. Edited this page and my journal page. made new pages to hold the old versions of these pages.
01/20/2021: Been a little bad at updating this page. Changes to the death note pages and music pages. New Death note character page. Gintama page added. Goro Majima page added. Worked a bit on the secret Naruto hub page. Starting to work on the gintama title card page.
01/28/2021: Wrote some more naruto stuff on a new naruto page, should just call it naruto log.. I have a blog called that somewhere on the web.
02/01/2021: added this cool tamagotchi guy chilling on this page. Fixing mundane things. Additions to the pokemon rival page! Wrote an entry in my journal on here.
02/24/2021: Tweaking a few things here and there. Working on a cool new page in the background. I want to make a page that highlights my best pages, or at least a graphic next to them on the site nav. page, along with a "new" graphic for new pages. Look out for it haha.
02/25/2021: Added "new" graphics to indicate the new pages on the site nav page. New Trigun page! I like how it turn out so maybe have a look haha..
02/26/2021: I want a drop down on my index page that shows the most recent update written here. Anyways, updated journal, added neocities sites I love buttons on the links page. Finished putting "L's food log" on the site, and added more to L's page as well.
02/27/2021: Deleted the old update page and implemented this section instead. other minor changes everywhere on the site.
03/05/2021: Added Fullmetal Alchemist page. working on cool 2000s fashion/stuff page
03/17/2021: Added y2k page.
03/24/2021: new journal entry, deleted library page. added graphics here and there.
03/28/2021: edited about me page, new journal entry about it, a new naruto page about a filler character
04/29/2021: edited about me page. new journal entry.
05/09/2021: Happy Piccolo/Goku/Mother's day! deleted "site info" page. New journal entry. Edited about page. Edited the "about me stuff" page.
05/13/2021: Added a page for me to put random images on. Not so many images right now lol.
05/15/2021: Added a page for rambling about nostalgic manga and other related topics.
05/28/2021: journal entry, more on the death note thoughts page, additions to "Onbu" Naruto page
05/29/2021: overwhelmed with possibilities. Minor edits to lots of pages. Moved personality quiz results to the "about" page.
06/08/2021: additions to the dump, new journal entry. Shh it's still thinking
06/20/2021: New website theme for the summer! Working on anime review pages, merged a bunch of naruto pages to naruto rambles new journal entry.
07/03/2021: New journal layout.
07/12/2021: New short anime review, the page can be found in the "other pages" tab, I'll link it better soon. It seems some of my graphics are in ruin, will fix that later. update: fixing the graphics, more details in new journal entry.
07/13/2021: Added "Anime Reviews" to the side bar on this page, added new anime reviews to that page.
07/27/2021: new journal entry. back from vacation, perhaps vacation pics soon.
08/31/2021: fixed the graphics on the "collection" page.
09/04/2021: added the page Strawberry Shortcake Recipes. Which holds recipes you can make, courtesy of the bonus section in the PS2 game Strawberry Shortcake Sweet Dreams Game. Will update that page and type the recipes soon (screencaps for now).
09/05/2021: finished typing out the aforementioned recipes.
09/15/2021: change the theme to be halloween. In the future I want to add a site theme changer.
09/25/2021: Made a mudkip fanpage
11/28/2021: Dreamz Realm, now christmas themed! New website button (as seen below!). Added a page to link my favourite youtube channels.
01/12/2022: Happy New Year! The site now has a new theme
02/03/2022: Moved older site updates to the according page. Moved the location of several webpages.
02/10/2022: New art on the art page + a page about art supplies and stuff I use.
02/11/2022: New page talking about fashion "core and kei"
02/19/2022: Best Naruto Fights, New journal entry, AKB48 page.
03/09/2022: Article about some Yu-gi-oh episodes, new journal entry, a hate page for fictional characters
04/01/2022: added a page about an animal crossing new leaf glitch, and no, it is not a prank.
04/04/2022: fixed the site nav the other day, should be easier to find things now. New pages: Vocaloid, Youtube mixes, Winter 2022 anime reviews
04/05/2022: "hanami" page, journal entry, updated creative toolbox page.
04/14/2022: New short anime reviews, MOOCs page added, Litchi Hikari Club page created. New fun stuff all around.
05/15/2022: the site enters it's first official hiatus, for more information, see my journal update page.
06/09/2022: slowly leaving the hiatus, be patient with updates. Added lots of new outgoingLinks, uploaded a comic I made, new pages on the vocaloid page, popin' cookin', page about Bodyline items.
07/28/2022: New design, Updated tamagotchi page, new reviews on the anime review page, Room tour page, My Little Pony Collection, added categories on the art page, God page
08/18/2022: New design, new design for art page + photography page, new journal entry, new outgoing links, Random minor edits here and there
09/16/2022: new journal entry, new pages listed on the Anime and Games page (but they are fanpages for webseries and not anime and games). Site banner for fall.
10/01/2022: Halloween theme, for the festivities.
10/16/2022: Summer 2022 seasonal anime reviews page up, 2022 Fall Anime Season: First Impressions page, fixing some imagehosting
11/06/2022: Wrote about the manga Stop!! Hibari-Kun. New Journal entry.
11/25/2022: New journal entry, moved some pages and gave the anime review pages a new look. My "gemlog" posts, originally only available on gemini are now available here.
12/11/2022: New journal entry, new articles added to the gemlog mirror, christmas theme applied. Happy holidays!
12/16/2023: new journal entry
10/07/2023: Summer 2023 anime reviews now up, new journal entry. Hope everyone is having a good october.
09/02/2023: new journal entry, theme change, summer over
08/03/2023: new journal entry, con report, new food pics.
07/08/2023: New gemlog articles: Threads, Internet Monopoly, and What I Feared, Twitter, The Death Of Big Websites. New journal entry.
07/03/2023: Spring 2023 anime reviews now up, new journal entry.
06/26/2023: New summer theme.
06/03/2023: Switched to summer theme for the summer. New journal entry.
06/02/2023: New food pics, new journal entry
05/15/2023: added a song to the 2000s anime song playlist page, added photos to photography, added new food pictures, new links, new journal entry
05/11/2023: New article comparing Love Hina and The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses, new journal entry
04/22/2023: New page designs for art pages, inuyasha shrine, pokemon shrine. New food pics.
04/01/2023: April fools! Winter 2023 seasonal anime reviews, new gemlog article about nintendo eshop shutdowns, new digital art, new food pics,
03/18/2023: Wrote an article about Canadian Anime Dubs, new gemlog article, new themes for the anime review/article pages. The site recently reached over 100k+ hits. Thank you to everyone who visits.
02/26/2023: Pokemon page for the occasion of pokemon day, tomorrow.
02/25/2023: New food pics
02/11/2023: New art and food pics. Created a personality quiz, feel free to try it out.
01/29/2023: Food gallery page for food pics, changed the look of the anime review pages
01/22/2023: Updated the art pages with new art to be enjoyed, new journal entry, added Japanese language learning resources page, added Parapara page.
01/14/2023: Moved some pages, Anime of the Year 2022 page made as a shrine to My dress up darling.
01/10/2023: Changed the journal page's design, again.
01/07/2023: Happy New year! New Journal layout for the new year, Fall 2022 seasonal anime reviews
12/14/2024: New journal entry
12/08/2024: Published an update to seasonal anime watching. Updated journal.
11/29/2024: I just looked at how sparse these updates are, saddens me, sorry for the uneventful year on this site. Switched to Christmas theme and new journal entry.
10/22/2024: Summer 2024 anime reviews, tried to put more effort into them. New journal entry. Halloween theme implemented.
07/05/2024: new Seasonal Anime Reviews for the Spring 2024 season. Switched to summer theme.
04/30/2024: new seasonal anime reviews, edited the about page it is now significantly more ugly.
02/19/2024: new journal entry, new outgoing links
01/06/2024: Happy new year! New journal entry, new seasonal anime reviews .