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death note


Here is my Death Note appreciation page (under construction, as per the empty pages), check out the character profiles listed on the right! If for some reason you haven't watched or read Death Note in the year 2021, you should do yourself a favour and watch/read it (if you want to) it's definitely a popular series for a reason. I rewatched the series a total of 6 or 7 times in 2020. Anyways! A quick summary.

death note

Death Note is a series where a seventeen-year-old Japanese Highschool boy comes across a notebook of death, the Death Note. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." Light Yagami, our antihero protagonist, decides to use the book to rid of those he deems "evil" in the world, and by doing so, become god of the new world. [Brief summary end]

death note L and Light