Hunter x Hunter 1999 > Hunter x Hunter 2011

Now that's a bold thing to say, slow down, Mr. Dashlake. You're probably right, but I have the ability to support my own opinions. I used to think I liked Hunter x Hunter, until I saw Hunter x Hunter 2011. I guess I would still say I enjoy it, but my enjoyment surely does end at the storylines covered in 1999, rather than the arcs in the second half of Hunter x Hunter 2011. The furry arcs, nothing against furries, just using that description of the characters in those seasons to identify them. I did not enjoy the furry arcs in hunter x hunter, not because of the furry element, but just because I did not give any shits about the characters or whatever was going on. I enjoyed the last bit of the show, Alluka's arc and the rest of the ending, but I wish there was more of that and less of whatever was going on in those furry arcs. That's all I had to rant about today.

In other news, Cl-
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 ____      clik     ∧_∧     
/  /   | |       + ◇⊂(・ω・ ヽ That's enough news for today.
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- dashlake